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Regardless of your field of study, you will be required to write essays every often. Essays are a means for your professors to assess your ability to present arguments or ideas clearly. Essays portray your critical thinking skills and organization. Your essay must have a clear thesis statement backed up by credible evidence. has organized a few sample English sample papers covering different topics.

Format: APA 7 Essays

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Human Labor


There has been a raging debate on the impacts of accelerated advances in AI technology. Many people argue that AI will take their jobs and replace humans in many areas of the labor market. While AI will significantly impact the labor market, it will have more good than bad. Organizations and their employees can prepare to leverage AI to supplement their productivity or reorganize their human capital and direct that resource into areas where AI is not an option.

Format: MLA Essays

Traditional Treatment Versus Alternative Medicine


Traditional treatment refers to health practices, skills, and treatment approaches based on indigenous beliefs, experiences, and theories. These health practices and procedures are essential for treating antibiotic-resistant infections. Cultural practices, beliefs, and customs influence the decisions of families and communities when it comes to using traditional treatments. Traditional remedies include yoga, Ayurveda, and acupuncture. Alternative medicine entails medical practices and interventions frequently used by healthcare professionals, families, and communities in place of conventional medical treatment. A typical case of alternative medicine is using a special diet to treat cancer. There are two broad categories of alternative medicine: natural products and mind-body practices.

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Format: APA 7 Essays

Do Psychedelic Substances Improve or Impede Creativity?


Psychedelics are psychoactive substances, sometimes referred to as hallucinogens, that cause changes in a person’s cognitive functions, mood, thoughts, and perceptions. There has been a long-standing debate about the effects of psychedelic substances like lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and psilocybin on the creative process. Some researchers argue that psychedelic substances improve creativity. The arguments they present are based on anecdotal and empirical evidence published in various research over time. It is touted that while little empirical evidence supports the arguments, much can be inferred from empirical studies nonetheless.

Format: MLA Essays

Plastic Pictures: The Prevalence of Cosmetic Surgery Among the Selfie Generation


The article highlights the growing trend of cosmetic surgery among young adults, driven by the growth of social media and the selfie phenomenon. Many people have grown a desire for a photogenic appearance, driven by a need for validation and societal standards. Research shows that individuals under 30 use surgeries to improve their appearance. At least 28% more youth seek Botox procedures, and another 32% want dermal fillers. Nonetheless, the article highlights how these corrective procedures are not tackling underlying issues such as low self-esteem that deny this generation a chance to enjoy their lives and be their true selves.

Format: APA 7 Essays

The Importance of Freedom of the Press in a Democracy


Freedom of the press ensures that the government is accountable, keeps society informed, raises the standards of transparency, and accommodates opposing views. With a free press, the public is able to get the information it needs. It is crucial for everyone to defend the freedom of the press, as it safeguards a democratic society. A free press is essential to the health of democratic institutions and serves as a watchdog over government actions.

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